Dawn Healthcare Solutions

Providing care solutions for Hampshire & West Sussex

Dawn homecare solutions in the based in Hampshire providing Domiciliary and Supported Living care to service user with learning disability and mental health. We provide care at the comfort of the service users home harmonising with the government strategy of providing care in the community.

Our team work within the local community and promote the value that people with learning disabilities have the same fundamental rights as anyone else in society, which includes the right to develop and make informed choices about their lives. We provide a range of specialist residential and supported living services to support adults aged 18 and over with Autism, Epilepsy, Asperger’s Syndrome, challenging behaviour or a mental health condition.

Dawn Homecare Solutions is a home agency providing support to individuals in their own homes. We provide a wide range of services such as person centre care, supporting service user to take control of their lives by knowing what is important to the person, knowing their interest, what they want in life, and to be supported to express their views and wishes.  We aim to see the person an individual, who have wishes and views and not  to be viewed as not capable to of achieving certain tasks. We aim to provide quality care, by aim to meet 8 principles of the value based care. This will enable the individuals to retain their dignity and autonomy.